Lucifer is the only winner

( Present day, Max and Patricia) 

" If my brother solved the issue with the Thunder nation then why did he still die? What did he do to turn the queen against him? This makes no sense... " Max said as he sighed heavily listening to Patricia's tale. 

According to Patricia's words the conflict between the thunder nation and the Won Knight's was sure to be resolved after his brother's heroics in the court. 

Something about this story did not add up for Max. 

Patricia gazed into the distance as she began mustering the strength needed to narrate the next part of this story. It was a truly tragic tale as to what happened next and it pained her heart greatly. 

" The next three months were arguably the happiest months of your brother's life. 

He visited Vanaheim and reunited with Ruby in what could be considered one of the most heartwarming reunion stories.