Windfall Rewards

' So what have we got now? ' Max asked Drax, as for the first time ever, Drax manifested himself over Max's palm as a small holographic figure made from flames. 

Drax now had a semi-physical form and was no longer just a voice in Max's head as the old AI stroked his long beard and said " Well we have got a lot "

Max freaked out and stared at Drax's flaming holographic figure wide eyed before erupting with Joy. 

" Whoaaaaaaaaa, Let's goo!!!!! " Max said as he gave Drax the biggest smile his face could manage before starting to chuckle madly. 

Drax was pretty much exactly how Max expected him to be, an old man with a stern face and kind eyes. 

If A.I's could be handsome then Drax would definitely be considered as handsome as he looked like a Chinese grandmaster with a long beard and sharp facial features.