Angakok Arrives

Max was sipping on some blood as he sat in his office reading important development documents when he felt a gust of wind pass over his shoulder and hit a point beside his feet, entering the depths of the shadow created by his body. 

Max was alerted as he looked all across the room to find nobody as he jumped to his feet and drew his newly obtained Goldmans sword just to be sure. 

" Zippo you alright there buddy? " Max asked as he expected his silent bodyguard to give him some form of a response, but what he did not expect was that slowly his shadow would expand and get lighter as an unconscious Zippo would emerge on the surface. 

" You have a black dragon protecting you, how interesting " A deep male voice said from behind Max's back. 

All the hairs on Max's body stood up vertically when he heard this voice. He knew exactly to whom this voice belonged and the boundless power that this ancient being commanded.