Council Of Monarchs

Day after day, Max went out to the pits of fire to hunt powerful fire creatures, as his constant struggle against the environment started to bear extra fruits in the form of constitution and endurance stat improvements from all the running around that he did in the high heat. 

By now, Max had hunted every major creature native to the planet and was slowly learning their attack patterns and weak spots, as everyday he would return to the hut less injured than the previous one showing Angakok that he was a fast learner. 

The only exception to this rule was the phoenix. 

By now Max had identified 3 different phoenix's in the skies of the planet and all of them were without a doubt extremely terrifying hunters. 

Max had often heard tales about how the only beasts that could rival the illustrious dragon clan were the phoenix and the nine-tailed beasts, but only now did he understand that the saying was a bit under exaggerated.