Tier 5 test

" Listen to me well boy, there is a difference between the tier promotion tests you have given uptil now and the tier promotion test you are about to attempt today. 

The tier5 promotion test is essentially just a further extension of the tier4 promotion test. 

In tier4 the lightning helps reforge your body, your bodily processes improve and you go from being a mortal to a demi-god. 

Your reactions are way faster, your ability to control destructive spells is higher and you become one of the very few people in the universe capable of reaching this stage, enough to call you an elite amongst a sea of commoners. 

The tier5 promotion test however is not about the physical but more about what's inside of you. 

Just like tier4 prepares your body for Godhood, tier5 tempers your mind, comprehension and personality for Godhood.