
The idea that one of his adorable nephews would one day eye for his throne was 'wierd' for Max.

The kids meant a lot to him and no matter what happens in the future he was ready to be their biggest backing. 

However, should one of them really march up with an army in their town with the intention to take his throne, that would really put him in a spot. 

Should it not be his blood kin, he would have had no qualms to use his full power and crush his opponent. 

He would rather die, than yield his throne, however, should it be one of Rudra's sperm spawns the matter was completely different. 

He could never kill them. 

Unless they personally did something unforgivable like killing Asiva or their mothers, Max would never go as far as crippling or killing them even if they marched with an army to his doorstep.