
Max came out of his tier promotion and found himself still biting onto that weird herb at the bottom of the lake. 

He took a moment to steady his breathing and then swam towards the lake's surface. 

" Hmm, a massive improvement I see, your agility and constitution stat have even crossed the double digits, that's about what most god's have too. 

Congratulations boy, you might not be slaughtered if you fight against a god in an instant now. You might be able to at least hang in there for a couple of minutes. That's quite a feat for a mortal " Angakok said as he assessed Max's current state and was quite pleased with how things turned out. 

Not only did Max get a 2.5X multiplier for exceeding the SSS rating limit, but also chose skills that Angakok did not already possess, which meant that Angakok would have new skills at his disposal when he took over Max's body.