Rudra is impressed

Rudra heard about the news of the war just like everyone else in the city did and then some more information about it because he lived very close to the quarters of the palace guards. 

While he did not have the full picture, he understood that the battle was to be fought in an alternate dimension so that the loss of unnecessary lives could be minimised and the access to that dimension was going to be linked to all functional teleportation gates. 

While on the surface it seemed like the Queen was managing this event, but Rudra knew better than to believe such nonsense. 

This was an entertainment show, one that would bring some sort of sadistic incomparable joy to the celestials. 

The alternate dimension and the rest of the kind hearted garbage was set up not because they actually cared about the lives of the commoners. It was because they wanted non-stop ad free uninterrupted action.