First win

The intense battle against the Red-Foot demons lasted for a solid 90 minutes until the overwhelming enemy numbers ensured that Max was constantly pressured to be on the move and deal with immediate attack threats. 

In those 90 minutes the combined army of the undead and Anna slaughtered thousands of enemy troops while Max more than doubled that number on his own. 

The combined death toll climbed to over 120k dead demons wiping nearly 50% off the enemy forces. 

All their tier 5 commanders were dead, Max had made short work of them, while their tier4 leaders were struggling to maintain proper defensive lines against the relentless assault. 

A breaking point was reached and the lack of stronger troops finally caught up to the demons as they were being pushed further and further back by the tide of the undead and Max was gaining more and more time to manoeuvre and dish out bigger attacks.