Last stand

( Regus Aurelius's POV ) 

Regus had expected both Twilight and Bloodfall clans to retreat in the face of such a tremendous force. 

When he got the letter from Falken, the only part which surprised him slightly was that Falken had decided to station some 25,000 odd soldiers on the mountain-top to delay the destruction of the orb for as long as possible. 

It was a very practical move but one that was hard to make for any clan leader which was why he respected Falken for it. 

However, the Bloodfall clan's decision to stay back and fight till the bitter end surprised Regus. 

He did not understand Ravan Bloodfall too deeply, but as much as he understood about the lad he did not seem like the type that would foolishly fight a war that he could never hope to win.