Sneaky Attack

Rudra watched Thalion make his proclamation and could not help but cringe at the foolishness of the young elven god. 

Sometimes Rudra genuinely wondered why there existed people who constantly overhyped themselves and lived in a bubble of their own delusion. 

These people were not frogs inside a well, they were the frogs who constructed their own wells just so that they could be sheltered from the real world. 

Yes, tier6 was a milestone achievement, anyone at that stage of power had earnt the right to be arrogant, but for someone at tier6 to be flexing in front of him just felt ridiculous to him. 

Thankfully for him, Rudra could not interfere with small fries like him at the moment, otherwise he would make sure to play a game of cat and mouse with the god. 

On the other hand Rudra was also enjoying Max's battle unfold. 

Never before did he see large scale soul magic taking place the way he was witnessing it now.