A cunning enemy

The Bloodfall army prepared to march onwards after the provocation of Ferox Blackfang. 

Their destination was to meet with the camp of Hazelgroove Empire and with their help advance to a strategic point about 100 kilometres deep into the dark faction lands where they had established a stronghold. 

The dastardly Ferox and his legion was situated quite deep into the dark faction lands at an area where there was a great threat of being ambushed or third-partied by other powers while the Bloodfall clan was engaged in conflict against the Blackfang soldiers. 

There was an unusually determined fire in Max's eyes as he marched towards this enemy, as he had never truly thought that his opponent was the lowest of lowlife scum until he met Ferox. 

Even amongst dark faction troops his army was rumoured to be unusually ruthless and they often took part in acts such as looting, pillaging and debauchery.