Heavyweights only

( Emperor Cervantez's POV )

Cervantez was busy solving logistical issues for his army when suddenly his son barged into the room looking extremely excited. 

" Emperor! Kane is on the move. He has left his camp alone and is headed to a border area very close to the land that the Hazelgroove army controls. 

Although we are not sure as to what motivated him to make a move- 

We assume it is to protect his bright underling prospect Ferox Blackfang who is currently fighting against Ravan Bloodfall and the Bloodfall clan " Aman said as he informed his father of the latest developments. 

Cervantez processed the information for a second and then asked " Do you think it's a good opportunity to kill Kane? " 

" I think it's a god-gifted opportunity, father, we can absolutely take him down, " Aman replied as Cervantez sprang up from his seat and began gearing up with haste.