Soul transfer ceremony

The planet that Angakok and Khnum had taken unconscious Max to- was a desolate landscape of nothingness. 

It was a lifeless planet with a barren terrain as harsh and cruel as the harshest winter. 

The temperature on the planet was at an extremely cold -25°C and it was only because all three parties on the planet were god's that they were able to withstand the icy cold as if it were nothing. 

In the middle of this barren nothing, Angakok had etched careful runic patterns of giant proportions on three giant plateaus that were fuelled by countless arrays of high grade mana crystals. 

Between the three plateaus there was a triangular space where a lot of ancient equipment was placed in what seemed to be a giant circle. 

At the heart of this circle, three pods stood in a triangular formation. The pod on the right was designed for Max and was connected to the one in the centre that was meant for Angakok.