
(The Light Faction)

A very disturbing report came across the table of every Light Faction monarch.

Just yesterday the Dark Faction was 9 orbs away from their next raid, giving them 4-6 days of buffer time to prepare; however, the Dark Faction suddenly went batshit crazy and sent many of their Tier 6 gods on suicidal missions to destroy Light Faction orbs at all costs. They managed to destroy 7 in a span of a few hours.

The cost of these raids was by no means small.

The Dark Faction lost over 25 Tier 6 gods in the process of launching these suicidal attacks; however, they did not seem to be stopping. 

As if the Dark Faction already knew where the disc raid was going to be and could see the end of the line, they were hell-bent on activating the next raid no matter the cost, as they continued sending armies after armies to well-fortified locations.