A cowards end

( In the controlled universe, Kremeth's planet ) 

After handing over the Vayu-Astra to Sebastian, Kremeth had eased into retirement. 

Without his trusty weapon he seemed to have aged another hundred years, yet, there was a grace to his ageing. 

His smile seemed vibrant and full of life as he began to enjoy the simplicities of life like his favourite herb stew and a stroll through his well maintained garden. 

There was nothing that Kremeth wanted with the universe anymore other than seeing his disciples blossom into pillars of the light faction that he knew that they could be. 

As such he had no regrets about his life other than the fact that he did not get to gloat as much as he wanted to in the face of Odin after he defeated his army. 

He also regretted not taking in more disciples when he was still young and energetic, as if he did that he could have already created a next coward monarch.