A wholesome reunion

( On a small planet, somewhere outside the controlled universe ) 

As Rudra walked out of the warp portal unharmed, he found himself opposite his wives and family. 

The moment Naomi looked at his face her nose began to swivel cutely as she broke down into a stream of tears. 

Ruby on the other hand cried as she laughed as she charged towards Rudra and threw herself at his lean frame as she tackled him for a hug. 

Immediately Rudra felt his heart warm up as suppressed emotions that he had not allowed himself to feel for a long time were finally let loose.

He too hugged Ruby back tightly as he embraced all her love and tears which silently dripped on his shoulders. 

" T-th, they t-told, me you w-were dead…. I never bel- believed them " Ruby said in broken words as she breathed heavy and found it hard to speak fluently. 

Rudra could clearly see the trauma she must have faced when she heard about the fact that her husband had died.