Pending Judgement

The battle was over.

The able bodied were now piling the dead, while the weaker foot soldiers were digging the graves. 

Irrespective of their race, everyone was getting the right to a proper burial as Regus did not deny his enemies of such a basic decency. 

Long lines could be seen outside medical tents as potions and bandages were being passed around amongst everyone. 

Friends from different divisions were looking for each other as a myriad of names could be heard being shouted out around the battlefield. 

While the soldiers were looking for each other, the captains and lieutenants were busy compiling reports of losses in their own units. 

A few of them were smiling happily for their units have came through unscratched, while many more were smiling bitterly. 

The vampires did clinch victory today, but it wasn't without a cost for most, as the Victory came over the grave of a loved one.