Sebastian the brother

Sebastian's eyes widened to the size of the grandest platters of the royal feasts as he first laid eyes on Hazriel. 

If beauty were a currency, Hazriel would make the wealthiest lords and ladies of the universe look like they were begging in the streets.

She shone so brightly that even the twin suns of their world might've considered dimming their lights in humility. Her hair flowed like the mane of the first Pegasus, said to be made from the tears of enchanted nymphs and the dreams of ancient wizards.

Each feather of her wings seemed crafted from the silvery wisps of the rarest clouds, fluttering with the grace of a legion of sylphs dancing upon the morning breeze. 

Her eyes sparkled like the gemstones from the lost mines of Lorthalia, rumoured to have been touched by the essence of every celestial being.