Mastering the void

( Max's POV )

The mastery of the void was a process that Max thoroughly enjoyed.

Usually when he was stuck trying to decipher the secrets of the universe, he felt a sense of frustration and restlessness as he couldn't wait to get all of this over with so that he could return to things that actually mattered, however, it wasn't the case this time around.

There was something about the void, something about its ability to nullify everything, something about its nature to strip everything down to wavelengths and vibrations that made Max extremely curious to understand its functioning.

Angakok had described the void to be a paradox, however, the question was the paradox of what?

The understanding of that paradox depended on person to person and Max could not rely on Angakok's understanding to figure it out for himself, hence all he could do was try to interact with the void and learn about its properties.