Mastered Darkness

If there was one thing that Max understood with his experience in mastering the void, it was the fact that these ultimate elements could not be understood forcibly.

When learning the basic elements, Max always felt like he could force the basic elements to reveal their secrets, almost as if he could impose his will upon them, however, such a scenario was not possible with the ultimate elements.

He needed to surrender to their ways if he wanted to learn their secrets and to do so he needed to become a disciple rather than an instructor.

As he surrendered to the darkness enveloping him, slowly the mad ravings surrounding him began to change to a calm serene.

After a few months of being completely engulfed by darkness, Max realised that the interplay between darkness and emotions was intricate and profound.

Just as the moon's gravitational pull influenced the tides on Earth, the element of darkness held a magnetic sway over feelings.