Rudra takes the queen for a trip

" It's time " Rudra mumbled to himself as he sheathed his swords and looked at the devastation he had just caused to his surroundings.

At a glance, all one could see would be an immense asteroid belt consisting of hundreds of thousands of asteroids probably the size of the solar system, however, what one would fail to realise would be the fact that mere moments ago this asteroid belt was a system of five uninhabited Rocky planets.

For his 'practise' session to sharpen his senses, Rudra had gone over to a remote solar system and hacked entire planets down to the size of mere asteroids.

For him this devastation was nothing more than a good warm-up, a sort of release after spending decades being restrained, but the aftermath was proof of just how strong he had grown as an individual.

He was extremely close to the celestial realm, as close as a monarch could be in fact as he had already hit the tier limit.