Selection complete

Max considered himself to be a professional choice maker by now, having faced countless difficult choices regarding his tier promotion rewards.

He knew that there were always going to be moves within the list that he desperately wanted to learn, however, since he could not pick every move on the list, he needed to be pragmatic about making his choices.

For the normal selection, Max had three clear favourites for making a choice.

Firstly Future Sight, secondly dimensional walk and thirdly altered reality.

While prophet was a valuable skill too, he did not have any particular inclination towards raising future talents or meddling with the fate of mortals.

If he did desperately wish to peer into a mortals future he had Hazriel as his ally and could rely on her for the job.

Wasting his promotion reward did not seem worth it for a skill like prophet and hence Max decided to not take it into consideration for the final selection.