A broken ability

Max watched in horror as Neatwit lunged at Bavuma.

Almost at the same time that Bavuma mouthed the words, Max also thought the same thing as he murmured ' Foolish…. ' under his breath.

A direct frontal assault was the dumbest form of attack possible, yet Neatwit chose this path to ensure the safety of his underlings.

Such was the pride of the guildmaster of the True Elites and such was the culture of the guild where the guildmaster was ready to die before letting any of his men die a futile death.

Yet, what was the cost of this foolhardy bravery?

[ Gravity Crush ]

Bavuma used the attack gravity crush, as Neatwit was thrown off his trajectory to hit Bavuma and instead caught at a singular point in space which had a gravitational pull close to 10,000G's.


The sound of bone breaking reverberated throughout the battlefield as Max watched in horror.