Max finds out

The afternoon after consummating his love with Mira, Max was confronted by Rhea about taking responsibility for being intimate with her daughter and Max politely agreed.

He had made the decision to marry Mira before he even kissed her and he regretted nothing.

Mira was an amazing woman and her skills in bed were exquisite while being with her gave Max a sense of fulfilment as if it soothed his soul.

With there being an opportunity to hold a proper wedding where his entire family might attend, Max did not rush into giving Rhea an absolute date but he did promise to marry Mira in the near future which was enough for the dragon queen.

He spent the rest of the day taking either romantic walks or frisking all of Mira's body before returning to Radiance just in-case there was something important going on back home that he had missed because of his coma.


( Back On Radiance)