I await you

[ Divine Move - Perfect Warrior's Descent ]

Modal used the move ' Perfect Warrior's Descent ' as his black eyes suddenly turned into an omniscient golden as he exuded an aura that wasn't remotely anything that the universe had seen before.

The monarch's in the crowd were quick to act as Emperor Cervantez instantly brandished his sword after recognising the threat, sending a powerful sword slash aiming straight for Modal's head with the intention of neutralising him at once.

The speed and strength of the sword strike was not something a tier6 god should have been able to handle, however, modal caught the incoming sword qi with his bare hands as if it were nothing and sent it towards a charging Neatwit who suffered a serious blow from the attack.

By this point the crowd started to shriek and panic as they realised that whatever was going on was not normal as the universal queen began manifesting herself from the sky.