A recipe for disaster

The imperial edict issued by Max sent shockwaves throughout the vampire society.

Both changes proposed in the imperial edict were aimed towards solidifying power for himself and although it was not explicitly stated to be so, to anyone with even the slightest political knowledge it was blatantly obvious.

By linking ' Loyalty ' with ' Merit Points ' and clan ranking system Max had effectively placed checks and balances for those that were loyal to him and those who were not through an official system.

The king always favoured those loyal to him, it wasn't something new as the clans that had good relations with the king were always offered advantages under the table, however, that system was covert and shady and not as transparent as this.

It was almost like Max had found a 'Legal' way to garner support for himself and in doing so he was encouraging all clans to perform meritorious deeds for the crown and society.