Kingdom Building

" My lord, how do you propose we solve the problem surrounding the primordial vampires? Lady Asiva has made it clear that you do not wish to kill them all but rather make them citizens of our Kingdom, however, I think it's easier said than done, since anti-primordial vampire sentiments are indeed at an all time high.

Nobody wants to see them inculcate into our society…." Jathi the internal affairs minister said as Max stroked his chin.

The problem surrounding the primordial vampires was indeed a tough nut to crack, however, Max did have a plan.

" We need to inculcate them into society slowly, that's for sure. The propaganda started by Regus Aurelius for generations against the primordial vampires cannot be washed away in an instant, however, overtime maybe we can set things right.

For now, my plan is to create a separate clan and seperate planets for the primordial vampires with them staying in a sort of autonomous territory.