Circle of life

( Rudra's POV )

Approximately three-quarters of Rudra's day was consumed by contemplations of devising new and ingenious strategies to confront the perfect warrior.

Immersed in calculations, Rudra meticulously analysed various sequences of combat manoeuvres, aiming to anticipate the perfect response to any given attack.

He tried to actually think that if he jabbed at someone, then would the best option be to block? To dodge or to destroy the weapon itself and depending on that answer, he tried to calculate how he could counter the perfect response of his opponent to create an opening for himself.

The perfect warrior would always have the right response to any given challenge.

Not only would it aim to neutralise Rudra's threat, but it would also aim to set up his next move, which would further improve his advantage.

However, Rudra held the belief that having the perfect response to any given set of moves was also a vulnerability.