Unexpected Development

Max calmly assessed the situation that he was in.

The biggest advantage that he currently held over the perfect warrior was his numerical superiority.

He had the universal queen and Drax to help him within the isolated barrier that he had created and while he alone might not be a match for the perfect warrior, the three of them together surely had to be.

To tilt the odds in his favour even more, Max decided to use the move [ Perfect Cloning ] creating yet another opponent to face the perfect warrior making it four against one.

" Don't underestimate him! He might be just one guy, but we most definitely need to be on our toes" Max warned everyone as the four of them covered the perfect warrior from all four sides, leaving him surrounded by four extremely strong tier8 opponents.

" Drax try and bind him, Queen try and debuff him, clone prepare THAT attack" Max ordered as quickly everyone sprung into action.