One morning it comes to me that I have become content with this place, though given that the magic they talk about has real applications I guess I don't really mind being around religious wackos. I have become more acquainted with others and though some amount of distrust has been washed away with the actual Hospitallers I have joined their proper training sessions. Which likely means they will accept my integration into the other although there are apparently Paxton's own disciples who only become obvious if you pay attention to how they interact with him. Keaton the Marshal regularly trains with us but is usually in charge of delegating patrols which some of Paxton's own men join with - given his past with the order it is not surprising many do not show up within his own team.

Recently, Ren accidentally overcharged my leg in grappling and burst the nerves so I am resting. I've been recommended praying but... it just doesn't feel right. Paxton tried comparing it with meditation but all the same I have issues with applying it. It has become easier to control but I think due to the nature of my injury that it becomes immensely more difficult to control in healing. So I will need to take the time and at the moment I don't have too much going on except watching training. I'm no master but Paxton seems impressed with how much I take on.

After all this thinking to myself, Ren comes to me. "Hello Uziel, sorry about that. I-I kind of lost my cool there."

"It's forgivable."

"No it's not, I lost my cool and hurt you. Even if you are not a proper brother, I am still sorry."

"It's fine, over with."

"To make it up to you I would like to heal you. Make you go to sleep, I can control your Vril."

"Why would I want you to do that?"

"So you can recover sooner. I already got permission."

"Hmph, fine. Go ahead." and as I say, he does. Ren seems like a kind guy but something about him annoys me. He puts his hands on my head and puts me to sleep though, this time much more calmly and like before I start to fall.

Back to Armel it appears, shortly after being recovered by Galier a fellow Knight of the Templar Order to La Sephorie where reconciled parties of the King of Jerusalem; Guy de Lusignan with the 'court' under Raynald de Châtillon, Lord of Oultrejordain and Grandmaster Gerard de Ridefort of the Templar Order with the 'nobles' primarily under Lord Tripoli; Raymond de Toulouse and Humphrey de Toron the latter of which swore loyalty to the King preventing open warfare however not preventing divisions which still remain despite their open reconciliation the fires of such a division had not dwindled.

In the war council, Lord Tripoli had apparently suggested that Saladin's siege of Tiberias is a distraction - Lord Oultrejordain said something along the lines of "Lord Tripoli, are you truly a traitor as they say or just cowardly? My King, we should advance on Saladin and defeat him at Tiberias." to which Lord Tripoli tried to respond however the King shut this down "Yes, we should attack him while he is distracted"

"Do you really think he isn't expecting this? He has a much larger force than we have known so why does he not attack us here? Because we are too many for a siege."

"And you do not wish to relieve your wife? What is up your sleeve?"

One of the Hospitaller leaders there spoke up "I also advise to not attack. Even if Saladin did not know, I feel it is too risky."

"Bah, Ridefort your Templars are with us are they not?"

The Hospitaller butted in before a response "Of course, we would not abandon this fight - but it is just too risky."

"I am reluctant to waste this opportunity. We should also pay the Muslims back for their attack at Cresson."

"Cresson? That would never have happened if Lord Oultrejordain didn't-" Lord Tripoli started but was cut off

"Enough." King Luisignan said and simply with the rise of his hand he settled the council. "I've decided, we make for Tiberias and relieve it. Surely with our forces, Saladin would be smart enough to not take us along with the garrison at Tiberias and should we not make it in a day, we will surely be well-watered at Tur'an. Agreed?"

"Agreed." was the verdict, this might be a good opportunity to defeat the Muslims for the time being and keep them out of the Holy Land but it does seem risky. Armel clearly does not know all the details, but perhaps the King and Lord Oultrejordain did not truly reconcile with Lord Tripoli and his crowd. The order that Armel was associated with surprisingly sided with Lord Tripoli on this one - so in his mind, perhaps there were other reasons that they should not confront the Muslims at Tiberias. After the ending of the council and the whispers of the different men around camp even at this hour Armel dozed off.

The next morning, Armel had jolted up and paused. He normally would get up like this but his injuries should seemingly stop his spry being. "Armel?" one of the Hospitallers whose name... Armel seems to have forgotten though he knew this man was assigned to the sick and wounded often. "Must I have not been so terribly wounded?"

"I thought you were, you were terribly bloodied and your breathing had slowed."

"Surprised? You did not fix me up?"

"Well, no. I expected you to survive, for a while at least. I was coming to ask you for... well you know. I should still check you." the doctor looked around on Armel's body, noting that most of the cuts were healed. "Well it was dark I suppose. Looks like you're all closed up, no worries. You feel fine?"

"Yes, I do."

"Quite miraculous, last night the wound to your neck there... I could hardly stop it. Well, you're the only one here. Throw out your rags would you? We're setting out to Tiberias so get ready."

"I can, thank you." Armel does as asked and makes out to his camp where he is greeted by his usual squire; Gosse. "I heard you weren't doing well, but you seem to be fine. I was about to head on and see if any others needed me."

"I am surprised I went out of it so well myself, I had only taken my sword last night."

"So what? Saw a Saracen and got too excited?"

"I am not sure... just that there was a path and it was certainly... something I was attracted to."

"Odd, are you actually fine?"

"Yes, ..." the name of that man must have been blurred out? Armel says it but I do not register it "... said I seemed fine. Anyway, we're heading to Tiberias? Have my things been packed?"

"I'll get on to it."

"Thanks Gosse." Armel went to grab the gear he always takes with him on marches. Just enough so that if they are forced into combat it does not take too long but not so much to strain the horse. Soon after Armel properly joins their force with his fellow Brothers, positioning himself with those he considers close friends he met within the order. Roul and Piers namely and they all set off to Tiberias once everyone is properly gathered and like expected of Saracens, it was not such a long time after that they are pelted by arrows.