Chapter 4 (Rewrite)

AN. I took a day to spend with my family. I'll try and get the rewrites all done soon.

The next week was very eventful. Alfred and I have got a routine going. I spent time walking around and doing light exercise. The pain killers I had been prescribed at the hospital was helping out a lot with getting up and about. I filled out the paperwork the first day we were at the caravan park and sent it in the post box that's at the entrance. Why do all caravan park have a post box? We hung out while watching the twins and sharing stories, it has been a comfortable week.

I use the time to read the skill books I have. I have an idea of how I might be able to change things but its going to take time, money and people. Having these soulmarks is also going to be a problem in the short term as I can guarantee that Hydra is looking for Bucky's soulmate and so will the Red Room. I asked Alfred to go to kmart and buy me lots of jeans, legging, hoodies and cardigans. Keep everything covered as much as possible.

After thinking about it a lot I decide to use the free spins every morning for three days while showering and save the rest of the points for later use. I managed to get a few cool items that will make things interesting in the future.

1. Ballistic Knife (COD: Black Ops)

2. Yor Forger (Spy x Family)

3. 500 SP

4. American Hero Animation, Movie, and Cartoon Gacha Rolls x 5

5. Nuka-Cola (Fallout 4) x6

6. Mechanic Skill Book

7. Gerber Mark II Fixed Blade (Captain America: The winter Soldier)

8. Giant Eagle (Lord Of the Rings)

9. Weakness Removal Cards x2

10. Fantasy Anime Travel Ticket

11. Singing Skill Book

12. D&D Gacha Rolls x2

13. Jack Sparrow's Compass

14. ESEE-4 Knife (Sabotage)

15. Background customization card x4

16. 500 SP

17. Mr and Mrs Smith

18. Defensive Driving Skill Book

19. Dinah Drake's Black Canary Body Armor (Arrow)

20. Zombie Dungeon Ticket

21. Computer Game Gacha Rolls x4

22. Background customization card x4

23. Potion of healing (The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim)

24. Shounen Travel Ticket

25. Bag Of Senzu Beans (Dragon Ball Z) (20)

26. 500 SP

27. Inventory (Ark Survival Evolved)

28. Mace Windu Lightsaber (Star Wars: Episode II Attack Of The Clones)

29. 500 SP

30. Full Package Katniss Everdeen (Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2)

I am not sure how to feel about having three assassins in my deck but think that they will be useful soon. I consider assimilating Yor straight away but remembering her abilities I put it aside for now as I don't want to heal faster then I should. That would draw attention that I can't afford right now.

I have to go back to the hospital today for my check-up and my kids check up. Since I have been resting I have completely read through several of the skill books I got.

Computer programming, cooking, ballet, and mechanic skills have all been learnt. I'll spend the next few days reading the others that I have gotten. I spend some of my time on the net reading the history and working in my notebook on a possible plan. I have used the Inventory card for now. I am waiting to have more of an idea of my health before doing anything else.

I keep expecting the Ancient One to appear any day now. Maybe she can't see me? Or I'm not a threat?

Samantha Chrissie Johnson

Race: Human

Character Assimilation

Fully Assimilation:


Currently In Progress:

-[Ty Lee - 50%] -[Empty]

Summoned Characters:

- [Alfred Pennyworth (DC BVsS) - Affection 04]




-The One Above The One Above All Favor (5% Increase In Luck) - Time Limit 357 Days

Equipped Items:



-[Computer Programming, Novice]

-[Cooking, Novice]

-[Ballet, Novice]

-[Mechanic, Novice]

-[Singing - 32%]

GP: 03


- Baby Wipes x50

- Nappies x 10

- Dummy x 2

- ESEE-4 Knife

The appointments were boring and uneventful thankfully. The doctors say I need another appointment in two weeks and should hopefully be cleared to drive and travel by then. So we headed back to the caravan park.

Alfred and I discuss the money needed to move to the USA and the money needed to buy a house.

"If I was fully healed I could go to the zombie dungeon and get us money there. At the moment we have nothing to sell." I take a bite of the sandwich Alfred made me.

"It would be better if we could start our own company and work towards making our own money. I know how to make some of the things Bruce invented as Batman that might help us out."

"We don't have enough capital to start any company right now and I don't want to use any investment as we can't be sure of who is behind it yet. We need an inventor, a hacker, a businessman and someone to be the face of our company. We need Bruce or Lex Luthor or someone else that has the knowledge and smarts. I only have some basic knowledge right now. I am not strong enough yet to protect my kids from anything and I need you here with me as my hands and ears and to help keep my kids safe." I'm starting to rant as the stress of the situation starts to get to me.

"Why don't you roll your Gacha's for today and see what you get? Maybe there will be something to help you out." he offers as a solution. Alfred cleans the plates off the table and goes to check on the babies.

I've decided to give it a try hoping for something helpful. This time I will put money into the system. Putting $200 in to use for the rest of the month. I now have 104 GPs to use.

I decided to spend 30 GPs.

Roll the Gacha.

1. DC Gacha Tab (costs 4 or 40 for 10)

2. Magic Skill Book

3. Diamond (Baldur's Gate)

4. Earrings of Ripples (Sword Art Online)

5. Pokeball (Pokemon)

6. Potion of Luck x 2 (Minecraft)

7. Daryl's Crossbow (Walking Dead)

8. Indiana Jones Whip (Indiana Jones)

9. Gate Null Magic (In Another World With My Smartphone)

10. Qui-Gon Jinn Lightsaber (Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace)

I got some great items. Using the gate I should be able to get my people to anywhere in the world without anyone noticing. I'll have to test whether I can Gate to places I've just seen in pictures and if I can get a skill that lets me see others memories then that opens even more doors to use. Pun intended. I suppose Wanda is an option to but she has no abilities right now.

Maybe Loki? I have no idea about his real skill or abilities. I know that in the original myths he was the god of storytelling, child wonder and strategies before becoming the god of lies and mischief but I have no idea if that translates to Marvel. (AN: So some of this I made up and some is true to the original myths. This is the first real deviation from the original script.)

Taking my time to really think about it I decide to drink one of the Luck potions I just got and roll the American Animation, Movie, and Cartoon Gacha Rolls praying to Stan Lee for something good.

1. Full Package Barbara Gordon Oracle (DC Earth-16)

2. Light Suit, Identity Disc and Baton (Tron: Legacy)

3. Thunderbird 5 (Thunderbirds)

4. Fiora Project Skin and Sword. (LOL)

5. Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne Red Robin (Dc New Earth)

Fire tuck yes! Totally OP draws. I immediately assimilate Barbara and use a weakness removal card so I'm not paralyzed from the waist down. I remember that it doesn't matter which earth she is from in almost all of them she has a photographic memory and awesome hacking skills. Things I need badly right now.

[Confirm Character Assimilation? Y/N?]

"Yes" I confirmed silently to the system.

[Remove Weakness? Y/N?]


"Alfred, we have some things that need to be put somewhere. The computer will be useful for out work with the intel work we discussed before." I call out to him.

"Ah, the shadow snake and sword program Ma'am. Very well. It looks like we'll have to sacrificial our civilised meals at the dinner table." He starts to set up the computer.

I put the wheelchair in the shop to sell.

[Sell Barbara Gordon Wheelchair? Y/N?]


[100 SP]

Looking over the basic information for Tim I decide to summon him immediately to help solve the man power issues and the need for a face for our business.

"Alfred I am going to summon another person."

"Very well Ma'am, I'll have another bed made then."

"Hahahaha, you really are the best." Grinning, I summon Tim.


[Confirm Summon Timothy Jackson Drake-Wayne Red Robin (DC New Earth)? Y/N?]


[Use a Background Customization Card? Y/N?]


Up on the transparent screen the default information for Tim is depicted as Bruce Wayne's third adopted son and Robin, his chosen business successor and protégé.

I look over the skills and abilities list:


Peak Human Condition

Martial Arts





Genius Level Intellect




Lock Picking

Vehicle Combat


Indomitable Will

After editing some details that made it so that Tim is now an orphan that grew up next door to me but is a few years older, has a degree in business, was born in the USA, but grew up here in Australia after his mother remarried. His mother and step-father passed away in a car accident while he was at university and is like an older brother to me. This will make things easier to explain about going into business together.

[Confirm changes? Y/N?]


I had seen it before but this is still unsettling to see someone appear out of nowhere. Black hair, blue eyes, taller than me, muscled body and a slight square jaw but a very handsome face. Next to him is a suitcase.

"Hi Tim Drake, Welcome to Marvel 1999999. You can call me Sam."

"Hi! You can call me brother if you want? And you are?" Tim turns to look at Alfred who is holding the twins.

"Alfred Pennyworth. Master Drake it's a pleasure to meet you. Ma'am the children are hungry. I've already changed them."

"What? You're Alfred?" Tim appears to be very shocked by the different Alfred holding the twins out to me.

"This Alfred is from a different multiverse. His Batman didn't have any Robin's yet."

"Wow! That's really interesting." Tim looks away as I start feeding the twins. "And they are?"

"This is Sage and Levi. My twins were born last week. I'm sure you'll be a great uncle." I grin at Tim who looks shocked at the news.

"Um, maybe you could tell me why I'm here?" He looks me in the eyes with almost a batman like stare.

"I need you to help me build an empire like the Wayne's and I also need an informant and spy network. I'll tell you what I can about this world without spoiling the future. You will have to do your own research too of course." I waved a hand at the laptop and the new computer on the table.

I spend the rest of the day explaining what I know about this world to them without giving away any future secrets. Tim and Alfred ask questions about soulmarks and we work on the history we have together in our new memories. I still haven't told them I am from another universe. It feels like it would be way too soon.

Samantha Chrissie Johnson

Race: Human

Character Assimilation

Fully Assimilation:


Currently In Progress:

-[Ty Lee - 55%] -[Barbara Gordon - 15%]

Summoned Characters:

- [Alfred Pennyworth (DC BVsS) - Affection 06]

- [Timothy Drake-Wayne (DC New Earth) - Affection 02]




-The One Above The One Above All Favor (5% Increase In Luck) - Time Limit 357 Days

Equipped Items:



-[Computer Programming, Advanced Beginner]

-[Cooking, Novice]

-[Ballet, Novice]

-[Mechanic, Novice]

-[Singing - 32%]

GP: 74


- Baby Wipes x50

- Nappies x 10

- Dummy x 2

- ESEE-4 Knife