Chapter 6 (Rewrite)

After heading back to Caravan park and having a shower I head over to Tim to see how he's getting on with the work to do with running Twitch.

Going onto his Twitch page a taking some of his livestream videos and putting them onto his new YouTube channel to help get more interaction each day.

I spend the next few days doing this routine with Tim joining me a couple if times in the Dungeon. His reactions to the zombies was much better then much mine to my disappointment. His first weapon was a baton I got from a cop zombie the days before.

Tim suggested raiding a mall and a hardware store to see if we can get the things we need for the setting up the tech company and our own office. We made out like bandits with Tim having way too much fun in the tool section testing out different tools as weapons. My inventory is now full of new tools kits, computer parts, laptops and phones. We need a office asap as I was nearly out of room in my 100 slot Inventory. For some reason the traditional weight limits for Ark SE doesn't effect me. BS system logic I guess. The cash earned was now totalling in the $15,000.

Back in the real world Twitch was taking off faster then we had expected netting us a steady income as more streamers and chatters joined. It was the first of its kind in this universe.

Which means we've now had to add more people as moderators, lawyers and accountants to the Twitch team to make sure everything is done legally for our side. The moderators currently work from home. Also setting up proper pay for ourselves as CEO and COO. Nothing over the top for now but it was better to set it up now with the company lawyers then to wait until the company was much bigger.

Seems like there is a lack of entertainment in this world. I noticed that the games streamed all to be the same. After taking a look at steam, I saw the issue. The games are boring. Mostly WWII Captain America or pay to win games. I had Tim head to LA via Gate and rent an office space and put together a small games developer team with full contracts in place made by our lawyers and set them about making some games that were shared in our old worlds. Minecraft became our first goal. I then brought Tim back to Australia via Gate again.

We called the game company Mojang in honor of the OG's. Tim and I worked on the development team too. Our username's Tim is Notch and I took _Jeb. Don't worry Herobrine will make a comeback. It is too funny not to. We decided as a group to focus on the programming stuff first for the game as there was no rush to to publish Minecraft.


I had one more week before I had to take the kids to get vaccines again so we spent the time Tim wasn't online to look for a permanent office space in LA for both the Twitch and Mojang teams.

After some time Gating back and forth and getting very jet lagged. Tim and Alfred found two office condo units that were next to each other that would work for the programmers and our new team of twitch moderators and stuff and a 5 bedroom house that wasn't far away for us to use. It would cost the company a total of $2 million. We financed the purchase of all three using the business as collateral with the help of our accountant and lawyer. (AN. I don't know how this works I'm just making it up.)

I organized for Tim and Alfred to fly over on a plane and spend the next month over there getting the offices and house sorted. Having a proper paper trail will be necessary in the future. You might be wondering how they could fly. We "found" Alfred and Tims birth certificate and passports. I didn't ask them where they were "found," its best if I don't know.

While I waited for the paperwork to be done for the kids I take the time to start actually working out instead of just training, dungeons and patrols. I rented a dance studio with a creche for an hour every day except Sunday and did a lot of tumbling and ballet with a little martial arts thrown in. Ty Lee was now at 100% and I felt the difference. I was happier, bubblier and had way to much fun contorting myself into pretzels whenever I take time to relax. I was still alert to everything and remember everything that came from Barbara but I just felt more like my happier self.

I had the birth certificates now and had sent the forms for both US and Australian Passports. I put them both to express but it still could take another month. I spent the time doing much of the same things working out, dancing, taking on a zombie horde or twenty and taking care of my cuties. The month passed by quickly.

While they were gone I worked on finishing Shadow and Sword program getting it ready for it's first test subjects. (Tony! Jarvis! Cough, cough.) After the first test and no reaction from Javis or Tony I carefully pull its from Jarvis' system, right now I don't want to put that target on myself. Tony will eventually find that the program had been in his system but hopefully that won't be until after he becomes Iron Man. Finger crossed. However, I may look at Javis' codes later. Who hasn't thought of having their own AI. That's a project for later when we have a permanent hidden home to put the AI brain in.

I then move onto putting it in in the systems of Shield and start the information gathering. We have access to Stark Tech if we wanted to but I'm not interested in it. What I am interested in is the people, money trails of a certain stain in Stark industries and I'm hoping I can get it from the Shield files. If not I'll have to take a tour of Stark Industries in the near future.

While all this was happening the Mojang team released Minecraft on steam and on their own website after a solid month of hard work. Turns out with the advance tech in the industry it was a fast build from the bottom up. Especially since Tim and I had most of the game looks machines and story all worked out for them. It was an instant success with Tim playing it on Twitch and it became the main game streamed. We released news that the game will be able to be modded and will have a multiplier system to be added soon with the next update.

We also release merch mostly hoodies and tshirts for both Twitch and Minecraft. Big streamers were giving hoodies and tshirts for free and it boosted the sales as you would expect.

The released game is up what would have been the 1.16 update in the old world. So we had redstone, villages, pillages, oceans, bees and nether already added to the game. The plan for the future updates are already in place. The team has some amazing ideas that even the old world didn't have. At this rate Minecraft was becoming their baby.

Tim and Alfred came back to Perth to help move the twin and myself over to the US. After that month I got all the paperwork and passports. Selling the things we don't need like the car and using the gate for most of the clothes, baby items and the Oracle computer to put them into our new house.

I would have used my inventory but at this point after spending so much time in the dungeon it was full. I organized a flight from Perth to LA first class for Alfred, Tim, the twins and myself. It was in two days. Staying at a hotel next to the Airport we spent hanging out like we haven't had the chance for a while.

The day of the flight was a slow day. The first part of the leg didn't leave until after 2pm. We had lunch in the Business Class lounge as the flight from Perth to Sydney only had business class and everything went very smoothly with the first flight. The twins were fine on the four hour flight.

The second flight was a 14 hour flight that also went well. Only a little bit of crying at take off and landing and some whining when they got uncomfortable or hungry. The twins were a big hit with the flight attendants and some of the older passages in first class. The rest were just happy they didn't cry a lot. We even met a fan in the airport of ours. His parents were very confused about what twitch and minecraft were. We signed a minecraft hoodie I had that was a small size and gave it to the kid.

After arriving in LA and spending and hour getting through customs we took a 30 minute drive from the airport to our new home and went to bed. Everyone was out for the count. It was only 8 am but after a full day in airports and on planes no one wanted to do anything for a while.

We ordered pizza at lunch and watched movies for the rest of the day.

Samantha Chrissie Johnson

Race: Human

Character Assimilation

Fully Assimilation:

-Ty Lee

-Barbara Gordon

Currently In Progress:

-[Empty] -[Empty]

Summoned Characters:

- [Alfred Pennyworth (DC BVsS) - Affection 8]

- [Timothy Drake-Wayne (DC New Earth) - Affection 07]




-The One Above The One Above All Favor (5% Increase In Luck) - Time Limit 357 Days

Equipped Items:



-[Computer Programming, Expert]

-[Cooking, Novice]

-[Acrobatics, Expert]

-[Parkour, Proficient]

-[Ballet, Competent]

-[Hacking, Expert]

-[Gadgetry, Competent]

-[Marksmanship, Proficient]

-[Mechanic, Competent]

-[Singing, Advanced Beginner]

GP: 351


- Baby Wipes x50

- Nappies x 10

- Dummy x 2

- ESEE-4 Knife

- Hunting Knife

- Police Baton x 4

- Bag Of Senzu Beans x 10

- Laptops x 23

- Computer Parts x 41

- Phones x 76

- Cash $20749AU