Chapter 14

(AN. Sorry its out late irl got really busy. This is one of the chapters that I have had to scrape and rewrite completely after the changes to the story. Sorry it has taken so long to come out.)


At an undisclosed location.

It's been 6 months since the 'heroes of the people' first showed up in New York. The information we have is that they seem to be partners. Male and female, one have a strange suit and weapon. We have attempted to consult Stark about the technology but he hasn't been interested. The female can change into different animals. I still have concerns that she is a skrull.

So far we have been keeping them off of the news but rumor and some videos on youtube has spread around the internet. We have footage of them being in Tokyo, then not even an hour later being in Amsterdam and the once again in less than an hour in Mexico City.

Each person that was taken down by the duo was alive and not permanently injured apart from scars. Anyone that was rescued only had good things to say about their heros.

I have a agents attempting to track their movements and to try and find out who and what they are. So far all attempts at tracking them has failed. They seem to just appear randomly in different cities around the world. New York seems to be the more common ground.

There is a knock on my office door.


"Director Fury. Sir, we have another report on the Jumpers. There appears to be an earlier sightings of them in Perth, Western Australia. It's reported that two people in black spandex suits, worked around the city for a few months before the first sighting in of the Light Rider in New York." An agent handed me that report and waited for me to read it.

It was as he said. A duo was saving people and stopping drug trades in Perth.

"Investigate anyone that has come and gone from Perth to New York since this has happened. I went these motherfuckers found." I wave the agent away.

These guys don't kill the criminals even though it appears that they have more then the ability to. They may be worthy members of the team.


Stepping in out of the Gate into the completed Compound for the first I come face to face with Sam.

"Ma'am." He throws a mock salute my way.

"Commander. How's things? Is all the team here?" I give a flick of my fingers and close the Gate behind me.

"Of all the things I have seen I still don't think I will ever get used to that." Sam gestures for me to follow him. "Everyone should be in the first briefing room waiting for us."

We walk through the underground hallways toward the briefing rooms. The place reminds me of hidden bases in movies all grey and militaristic.

"How is the team getting on?"

"We're fine considering. It's probably because we know that you are the one that brought us here so we're not trying to kill each other at the moment."

Arriving at the briefing room Sam opens the door and steps aside so I can enter first. If I didn't know that my summons can't harms me then I might have been afraid but the swept past him unafraid.

"We have lots of things to discuss. I want reports in a moment." I walk the the end of the table the farthest away from the door and sit. Flicking a hand in a flourish I open a Gate in the briefing room so Tim and Alfred can come in with the twins.

"We all know each other. Sorry to bring the twins. There is no one I trust at the moment to babysit them yet. I sure I'll find someone later." They put the twins down on a mat with some toys and we all sit around the table where there are tablets for everyone. The compound has a closed network. "John and Jane report."

"We succeeded in making sure the SHIELD Agent Hawkeye and the Red Room assassin Black Widow finished their mission, were able to evade the Hungarian Police and leave the country with only a few issues." Jane gives a precise report.

"Thank you for the nice vacation. Was strange to see people do double takes on us though." John puts his arm around Janes shoulders as he talks.

"The you from this world are famous actors. If you want I can get us a plastic surgeon? It would be up to the five of you though." I indicate the five actor doppelgangers. "Let's table that for now. Greg, Inge and Sam how is the monitoring on our important targets going?"

"Fisk is hard to track down. He is keeping himself off the grid and almost untraceable. Maya is still a child and with a little bit of work we might be able to bring her into our own fold. Only time we can track Fury is when he is in a SHIELD facility you are going to have to either get him to come to you or go to him in the snakes nest." Sam starts the report.

"Dr Banner is currently making his way to the US border. His is taking his time and laying low but we've been following his movements using SHIELD. Ava Starr is currently being helped by SHIELD scientist to stabilise her. Hank Pym is still the active CEO of Pym Industries." Greg completes his report.

"Wanda and Pietro Maximoff are currently 19 years old and active protesters against America and Tony Stark. Eric Stevens is currently a member of the Seal teams. We have trojans in Roxxon Corporation, Stark Industries, Pym Industries, A.I.M, the US Government and the UN. We still can't access Starks closed network." Inge finishes off the report.

"Good work. For now I want to focus on pulling in Pym and Stevens. The twins need to be left where they are for the next little bit. Banner will be pulled into the pet project Fury has been setting up so we can leave that for now. As for Stark leave it it's not that important what's on there at the moment other than the AI itself." I go through the information that's on the tablet before moving one.

Out of the corn of my eye I see that the twins have gotten bored and are new crawling around the room. I read the report of their individual missions and jobs that they had taken since they had arrived.

"Due to all of your efforts over the last few months since Madripoor we now have a presence in the intelligence and military networks. It's time to get some government missions. Sam, I am going to leave that to you. Just make sure you vet any missions before going on them. I don't want us doing Hydra or any other evil." Levi is now looking up at me so I bend down and pick him up putting him in my lap. Sage has wandered over to Jane and is staring at her.

"Our group will need a name to build up our mission one." Sam speaks up from the other end of the table.

"I have thought about it but I wanted all of you opinions." I bring up a file and send it to all of them. "CLOAK, combat locate observe and assist our kindred. Corps. We are the ones in the shadows helping those in the light to protect this world. What do you think?"

"I agree. It fits us well." Alfred is the first to agree.

"Second." Tim just nods.

"Third." Jane has now picked up Sage and has her on her lap.



"SIX." Shouts John a little too excited.

"Then we are all in agreement." Sam nods his head in agreement too.

"Well good. Moving on then. I will be summoning some more people to add to the team. Some of them will need to be brought up to date on this world and tech and others will need training." I tap on the tablet bring up the info on the other summons I currently have that I have used yet. "I am hoping to get some more soon to add to the team. For now we'll start with this. The compound should have everything but Alfred is your contact if you need anything. Tim and I will be joining you in some of the missions in order to get more combat experience as well as mission focused experience."

I start bouncing Levi on my lap to keep him busy while I watch Jane do the same with Sage.

"How is the program going with the Hydra work? Have we found the Winter Soldier yet? How about our scans of the artic, any signs of the Valkyrie?" I look over the team.

"So far the information we have on the Winter Soldier is nothing other than him being a high level threat. It seems like they have the information buried deep. As for the Hydra aircraft we think we might have found it." Inge reported the information she has on her tablet. I had the spies working on other things that needed to be investigated.

"Ok print what you have up. I need to have a chat to SHIELD and I'll need it. Keep looking for Winter Soldier." I tickle Levi a little getting giggles from him. "I need to ask since I pulled you all here. Do any of you have Soulmarks?"