Coiling Dragon Cosmic Nation (2)

Time passed slowly.

There were more and more humans from the Coiling Dragon Cosmic Nation.

Gradually, the Coiling Dragon cosmic nation also became a brand new prosperous cosmic nation among humans.

The development of the Yan Huang Religion in the Coiling Dragon cosmic nation was even more unstoppable.

In the Coiling Dragon Cosmic nation's policies, any place with intelligent lifeforms had to have a branch of the Yan Huang Religion.

In just a dozen years, the shrines of the 'Yan Huang Religion' had spread to every inhabited planet in the Coiling Dragon cosmic nation.

Countless humans and affiliated races had become believers of the Yan Huang Religion and believed in the great Lord of Yan Huang.

Thanks to the rapid development of the Yan Huang Religion, Chu Zhou had also harvested a huge amount of power of faith in the past ten years and converted it into a large number of attribute points.