Chapter 15 The Temple Raid_3

Right after that, lightning and thunder echoed.


The dazzling thunder swiftly engulfed the Plague Apostle's body, causing it to shudder and emit a painful wail. Seizing this opportunity, Duanmu Huai let go of his Thunder Warhammer, reached out to pull the Chainsaw Sword from his back, leaped high into the air, and forcefully swung the Chainsaw Sword at the Plague Apostle!!


The furiously spinning Chainsaw Sword cleaved through the Plague Apostle's head and continued downward. The feeling was not like cutting through muscle or bone at all, but rather like cutting into a sponge. It wasn't until it reached the chest that the Chainsaw Sword suddenly came to a halt.

Found it!!

Feeling the sensation transmitted from the Chainsaw Sword, Duanmu Huai's eyes narrowed, his muscles bulged, and an immense strength once more erupted, pushing the Chainsaw Sword downwards. The next moment, the Chainsaw Sword cleaved through the Plague Apostle's core, followed by the sight of the Plague Apostle's body inflating like a balloon and then "pop," exploding into pieces.

The fierce blast wave rushed over, causing even Duanmu Huai, clad in his Power Armor, to retreat several steps backward. Anticipating the danger, the Elf Scout had already pulled Ogis away from the church — she didn't possess Duanmu Huai's skills, and should she get caught in the blast of the Plague Apostle's self-detonation, even if she didn't die, she would still be severely injured.

"This damn thing...…"

Duanmu Huai, covered in the Plague Apostle's blood and flesh, was quite displeased. If he didn't have this fully enclosed Power Armor, dealing with this kind of creature would have been intolerable. He had fought them before; it was a group battle, and in the end, the Plague Apostle's self-explosion wiped out all their melee fighters, leaving only a few healers and damage dealers alive.

Looks like magic is needed after all...

Looking at the destroyed corpse in front of him, Duanmu Huai shook his head. Plague Apostles' physical resistance was quite high, and both he and Ogis were physical attackers — it seemed they needed to look elsewhere for a magical Soul Card.

"I can't believe you managed to kill a Plague Apostle."

At this point, the Elf Scout entered, astonished by the hall in front of her. To be honest, if she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed anyone could singlehandedly take down these powerful minions of the Evil God...

No, he wasn't fighting alone.

With this thought, the Elf Scout glanced at Ogis next to her. The puppet girl maintained her usual expressionless demeanor, but the Elf Scout knew that she had just used some sort of thread to restrain the Plague Apostle's movements — it seemed the knight was right; this girl was indeed full of surprises.

"Alright, we've cleared all the monsters here."

Duanmu Huai put down his Chainsaw Sword and scanned the room.

"Where is that Holy Artifact?"

"I know."

At Duanmu Huai's words, the Elf Scout's face brightened. She quickly came to the Divine Statue deep in the hall. After murmuring a few words similar to a spell, the contaminated Divine Statue glowed softly. Slowly, its originally closed hands opened to reveal a pearl about the size of an apple, radiating a white light.

The Elf Scout sighed with relief.

"Phew... Good, it's safe…"

Before she finished her sentence, Duanmu Huai's Chainsaw Sword was already at her throat.

"For a scout, you sure do know a lot."

As he stared at the Elf Scout in front of him, Duanmu Huai spoke coldly.