Chapter 21 Return to the City_1

Dealing with the man himself was not troublesome at all. Once his health bar was revealed, Duanmu Huai immediately rushed up with Ogis and easily took him down. Afterward, they returned to the real world.

But looking at the system prompt in front of him at this moment, Duanmu Huai's mood was far from uplifting.

[Task "Angry Soul" completed]

[Task evaluation: Barely passable]

[Although you were not his first choice, the combat power you displayed barely won his approval]

[Triggered follow-up task "Sleeping Girl"]

[Soul Cards +5]

Damn it... Duanmu Huai really wanted to curse. Although he had indeed failed two instances in a row, and the system evaluation wouldn't be high, but what's with this heavy tone of disapproval?

Besides, you lousy system, who are you to despise me?