Chapter 56 Puppet Zone_1

Finding the white-haired puppet wasn't difficult, as Duanmu Huai had already ordered the Reconnaissance Servo Skull to lock in on the general area where she was located last night. Now all they had to do was storm in and search for her.

However, when they arrived in this area under the guidance of Merlot, they were somewhat surprised.

"This is Puppet Zone,"

Merlot, with a sniper rifle on his back, casually introduced to everyone.

"Puppet Zone?"

Duanmu Huai looked questioningly at the area in front of him. All he could see were puppets wandering around on the streets. The materials, looks and shapes of these puppets were all different.

"Please come over and take a look, we have the latest mechanical models on sale! A discount of 10%! Don't miss your chance!"