Chapter 61 Blocking the Door_2

What a shame that Night Raven Black Star couldn't be brought along, otherwise, wouldn't a divinely ordained bombing right at this spot be more dependable?

After securing the grenade, Duanmu Huai quickly took aim at a load-bearing pillar in the center of the temple. However, just as he was about to go over and fit the grenade into place, a voice suddenly rang out.

"I can't let you do that, Steel Knight."

Upon hearing these words, Duanmu Huai and the others hurriedly looked up, only to see the Devil Nun floating in the air, cheerfully holding a magic wand set with a bright red gem.

"This is to be where the great Ice Hell King descends. I wouldn't want him to arrive in such a disheveled state."

"I'm afraid that's not up to you!"

No sooner had his words fallen, Duanmu Huai raised his left hand and quickly, a burst of light erupted. The nun elegantly spun her body and avoided the explosion in the air.
