Chapter 142: Cosmic Pirates_1

As Duanmu Huai's warship headed towards the signal spot, the girls also gathered around.

"What's happened, Master?"

"Oh, nothing much, we have located a distress signal. It's likely that a merchant ship has been attacked by pirates."


In light of Duanmu Huai's explanation, the girls were taken aback. Even Greiya looked at Duanmu Huai in surprise.

"There are...robbers in the universe?"

"What a surprise, wherever there's wealth and interests, there have always been thieves and robbers."

Duanmu Huai casually commented, while monitoring the star map.

"Of course, it's not to exclude the possibility that the Star Thieves intentionally sent out a distress signal, luring nearby fleets into their net, especially with the present chaotic world."