Chapter 175 Unexpected Encounter_2

"How interesting........"

A deep voice emerged in the minds of everyone, clearly, it was the dragon speaking.

"Mere mortals, yet you can soar in the sky with such toys, extremely interesting, but....... the sky is the realm of the giant dragons!"

"It's not your call to make!"

Duanmu Huai couldn't be bothered to waste words with the other party, in the blink of an eye, the firepower of Night Raven Black Star was fully unleashed, countless bullets and missiles whistling out, flying towards the locked enemy!


Seeing the opponent dare to counterattack, the black giant dragon also snorted coldly, then it swung its wings violently, speeding up again, attempted to dodge by spinning, but the missile that had tightly locked onto it clearly wouldn't let go so easily, as the black giant dragon moved to dodge, the incoming missile also turned a bend, directly hitting the dragon's body.
