Chapter 258: Not Being Polite Anymore_2

"Why didn't you stay home? It's safer there!"

"But, but... I was so scared..."

Sherry lowered her head in response to her mother's reproach.

"Those things are everywhere, and..."

However, Sherry's words were abruptly cut off by the woman.

"You should have called the police! We taught you that!"

"I did call, but no one came. And you weren't answering your phone, so..."

"Sherry, I don't have time for this!"

"Hey, old woman!"

Hearing this, Duanmu Huai couldn't help stepping forward and standing beside Sherry, staring at the monitor.

"Do you know what the situation is like outside right now? The whole city is filled with those damn monsters, and the police station has already fallen! Your daughter came to find you because she was worried about you, and is this how you treat her?"

"Listen, I don't have time for these trivial matters."

Confronted by Duanmu Huai, the woman was visibly unsettled.

"My daughter doesn't need you worrying about her! I know what I'm doing!"