Second Resonance! Level 5 Martial Master!

Chapter 30: Second Resonance! Level Five Martial Master!

After successfully upgrading Moony to a Level 5 wild beast, Lin Bei finally revealed a satisfied smile.

Now that he had 140 EXP left, he should not be able to do anything in the short term.

As her realm increased, Moony's figure magically grew a little, and the fur on her body became softer.

Her fur was pure white and soft fur, made it really easy for people to blurt out this word.


However, the current Moony still looked a little silly. It might be because she had just been born.

Even as a Level 5 wild beast, Moony could not walk so nimbly. Sometimes, she would fall down as she walked.

Moony kept falling, and Whitey would sometimes follow her. Every time it was about to fall, Whitey would help it up.

Lin Bei briefly brought Moony to familiarize herself with the environment at home. He looked at the slightly crowded cat bed and finally decided to go to the pet store again.

But not now, because there were more important things to do.


It was the system function that not only increase Lin Bei's realm, but also his contract beast realm!

At first, Lin Bei didn't remember, but when he thought of Whitey's transformation just now, he remembered that there was such a way to increase his realm.

Pulling Moony in front of him, Lin Bei summoned the system again.

"System, I want to resonate with Moony."

[Received, host. Resonance is about to begin. Please stay within two meters of your contract beast.]

As soon as the system's voice fell, a faint light began to rise from Moony's body and condensed into a glowing ball above it.

When the ball reached the size of a fist, it suddenly slithered into Lin Bei's body like a small snake.

In an instant, a powerful force began to burst out of his body.

That power made his body feel very powerful and strong.

Lin Bei could clearly feel that his realm was constantly increasing.

Level Nine Martial Apprentice.

Breakthrough! Level 1 Martial Master!

After reaching the Martial Master Realm, Lin Bei's realm did not stop. Instead, it continued to rise.

Level 2 Martial Master.

Level 3 Martial Master.

Level 4 Martial Master.

Level 5 Martial Master!

It was not until Lin Bei advanced to Level 5 Martial Master that this sudden increase finally stopped. In the end, he stopped at Level 5 Martial Master.

"This is… the feeling of power!"

Lin Bei felt unprecedentedly relaxed, but every inch of his muscles was filled with explosive power.

It was as if a casual punch could easily shatter a huge rock.

"So this is the Martial Master Realm…"

He clenched his fists tightly, and crackling sounds came from his palm.

It was the sound of bones rubbing against each other.

He threw a punch into the air. The strong wind from the punch lifted the curtains a few meters away from him!

Lin Bei revealed a satisfied smile.

At the same time, the system's voice sounded in his ears again.

[Ding! The second resonance has ended. Congratulations to the host for raising your realm to Level 5 Martial Master. Your contract beast realm has increased to Level 7 Wild Beast!]

[Ding! Detected that Moony's advancement to a Level 6 wild beast. Rewarded experience +400]

[Ding! Detected that Moony's advancement to a Level 7 wild beast. Rewarded experience +400]

As soon as the system finished speaking, Lin Bei looked at Moony. Her body size had increased again, and she was not much smaller than Whitey.

However, her temperament did not change. Her naive expression made her look like a noble Silver Moon Wolf.

She looked more like a silly husky.

Lin Bei reached out and touched Moony's head. She wagged her tail excitedly and whimpered.



Looking at Moony, who was almost as big as Whitey, he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

However, Moony's growth in size was clearly much faster than Whitey's. Perhaps this was due to her bloodline talent.

"I didn't expect that in less than two hours after signing the contract, Moony's realm had already broken through to Level 7."

"It's only one realm away from Whitey."

As Lin Bei spoke, he took out the beast meat rewarded by the system from his inventory.

What surprised him was that Moony's increase in realm did not seem to bring him the reward of the treasure chest.

"Looks like I can only be rewarded once for each realm."

Lin Bei muttered.

He was not greedy. After all, even if there was only one reward in this treasure chest, it was enough for him to use for a long time.

5So far, he had only used two low-grade Spirit Stones in his storage space. He planned to find an opportunity to exchange a portion of the remaining stones for some money.

With resonance, his martial arts realm improved very quickly. Next, he only needed to wait for Whitey and Moony to advance to the dire beast realm.

Only then could he resonate again. And by then, Lin Bei's realm would increase again.

Thinking of this, Lin Bei revealed a satisfied smile again.

Now, his growth speed was very fast. If this continued, he would be able to surpass their class teacher in another month at most.

In other words, surpass Old Poison, Du Bo.

Du Bo's Blue-Striped Python had a Mid Sixth grade bloodline and was a Fifth grade5 dire beast, while Du Bo himself was a Third grade Martial King.

When the man and snake worked together, as long as the other party's cultivation level did not exceed the Martial King Realm, Du Bo would be invincible.

This was the unique advantage of Demon Tamers.

Lin Bei had already reached Level Five Martial Master. Although he did not have any outstanding talent in martial arts, with Whitey, even a Great Martial Master could not do anything to him.

If he brought Moony along, Lin Bei would be able to fight even a Great Martial Master!

However, in this situation, Lin Bei did not plan to bring Moony out to everyone.

After all, it was too scary for a Level 5 Martial Master to have two contracted beasts at the same time.

Lin Bei knew very well that a tall tree attracts the wind.

However, when it was time to attack, Lin Bei would definitely not hide it.

Currently he was just choosing to keep a low profile, not pretending to be a pig.

Sometimes, if he pretended to be a pig for too long, he would really become a pig. Lin Bei did not want this to happen to him.