Press Confrence

The chief of police comes out of the police station and gives a press conference. All the media outlets were present at the time. Adrian was there, attending the press conference. The boys, Cody and Jack, were also present with the chief of police. They asked around the apartment, but no one said anything suspicious. They came back and reported to the chief of police. They believed that it was an animal attack. The chief of police tells the media that they believe there was no foul play conducted in the case. The reporter asked questions one by one after the press conference.

Sir, why do you think it’s an animal attack? " The reporter asks

"We think he was drunk or slipped on the mud and hit his head with the rock." The chief of police says that Mr. Oliver lost consciousness and some animal came and ripped him apart."

Do you have the autopsy report? Can you share it with the media? " The other reporter asks.

I don’t have it right now. It was our initial finding. But as soon as we get the autopsy report, I will be happy to share it with all of you, "the chief of police tells them.

Who is he? Did you know where he lives? " The reporter asks

Mr. Oliver lives in the apartment near where his body was found. He was living there alone. "We heard he was working in an advertising agency," "the chief of police claims."

He is living in the apartment building near the crime scene. How come no one bothers to report a missing person? " The one reporter asks

As I said, he is living alone. Mr. Oliver has a girlfriend. She is living in the building, but because of his schedule, she also thought he had left the city. Mr. Oliver travels a lot. The chief of police explains: "He used to spend time in different cities a lot, so she thought he left town many times without telling her, so this time he left town and came back," the chief of police explains.

How is she doing? Did you inform his family?" The one reporter asks

She is definitely devastated after she heard that he was gone. I think everyone is sad that a young man is gone so soon. We informed his parents. They reside in another city. His father came and collected his body after we were done with him. This news also shocked them. They told me they talked to him two weeks ago. He told them I was going to another city for work, "the chief of police says."

When did he disappear? " The reporter asks

He informed everyone that he was going out of town one month ago. A month later, we found his remains in the woods, "the chief of police says." "

You said he had a girlfriend. "Did you find her involvement in this case?" the other reporter asks.

Cody walks up to the microphone.

"No, I told you that we didn’t find anything on the crime scene that indicates that it is homicidal," Cody says. I was the first officer to respond. "

I saw the dead body of a dog there. It looked like the dog was partially buried. Do you have any information that both deaths are connected somehow "to Cody?" Adrian asks, "Who buried the dog there? I saw a heart was missing and a ring finger. "You don't feel it's odd. I think it's a killer signature. "

Who is he? You said you secured the area before anyone knew. " The chief of police asks for Cody.

We did ’sir’. I am sorry, "Jack says to him."

Everybody was whispering and talking after Adrian said that. People get curious and start asking about the dog.

What is he talking about? " The other reporter asks, "The authorities told us that it was an animal attack. You are covering it up anytime a body resurfaces. "We heard the body was discovered in other cities in the last twenty years, but no one bothered to investigate it properly," the reporter says.

I disagree with you. Ma'am' Do you think every department covers it up? Sometimes there is nothing to investigate. I heard about the conspiracy, which is interesting, but we have to follow the evidence and facts. "I know you guys think that mysteries hide behind every case, but the truth is simply that in some cases there are no mysteries and conspiracies, just one person died of an accidental and natural death," the chief of police explains.

"What did you find about the dog?" Adrian asks again. I saw your people take the dog with them. "

"We collected the sample and handed it over to the owner," the chief of police says.

"What does your preliminary finding say?" Adrian asks.

The medical examiner thinks he died of a heart attack. "As I said before, sometimes we find that people die of natural causes," the chief of police says.

Why was he buried there? "To the chief of police," Adrian asks.

People used that area for hiking. "It might be possible that someone found him and gave him a proper burial," the chief of police says. I think it is enough for today. I will brief you on day-by-day progress. "Thank you" The chief of police while walking into the police station

Cody and Jack are following him into the police station.

Who is that guy?" The chief of police asks them to

Are you asking me about the reporter?" Jack says.

Yes, the reporter. What do you know about him? How did he know all that? "He is just talking in the air and trying to complicate the case," the chief of police says.

We met him yesterday. We don’t know how he knew that we had found a body. We warned him, but he didn’t listen. "I think we shouldn’t worry about him," Cody says.

You don’t think there is something more in this case. to the chief of police, "Jack says,"

What are you implying? that we are not doing our job honestly. The chief of police asks for Jack.

I was just saying that it might be possible that someone dumped the bodies. Why were so many deaths uninvestigated? The reporter has a point. It’s our job to investigate the deaths, "Jack says."

Which side are you on? Just go home. I want you to report back to me, "the chief of police says while walking in the door.