Rook island

Katharina takes a deep breath and closes the heavy door behind her. She slowly walks on the deserted deck. Her black pumps click gently on the polished metal. She lets her hands hang over the bright white rail and sighs again.

From the inside deck, the muffled sound of loud music can be heard. The party was far from over, but for Katharina, it was no longer necessary. Her deep eyes are fixed on the full moon surrounded by a thousand stars. She can't deny having fun. Only she was slightly homesick. Not necessarily for home, but for her father. He was home all alone. And that on an evening like toddy Matty" she whispers and looks at the dark blue water. "Happy birthday Matty" she says, looking at the stars again. In the distance, the shadow of a mountainous island lurks. "Kat" calls out a familiar voice. Katharina turns herself around. Sabrina hurries out onto the deck. Her long hair flutters as she tries to run in her high heels. "Kat" she smiles and grabs the rail to keep herself up. "Sabrina, how much did you drink?" Katharina mocks. "Enough" Sabrina smiles. "I got to know some sailors" she started laughing. "Sabrina " laughs Katharina. "You know, I am not judging, but I am not participating in your manhunt," Katharina mocks. Sabrina rolls her silver eyes. "Come on, Kat, live a little." Katharina smiles wryly. "Not this evening " she answers softly. Sabrina swallows. "Shit, I totally forgot today was going to be his birthday. Kat, I'm sorry." Katharina shakes her head. "Come back in, shift your head a little." "Okay in a minute. Give me a moment" asks Katharina and turns her gaze to the island again. Sabrina nods and walks back inside. Before she closes the door, she says; "five minutes okay?" Katharina nods. She sighs and stares at the dark beach. For a moment she thinks she saw a glimpse of movement. A motorboat is heard in the distance. She sees a soft light moving from their ship over the water towards the island. She shakes her head. It must be her imagination. "Kat" sounds a loud voice. Katharina swallows. Naturally, Sabrina had sent her brother. "Chris" she starts to get uncomfortable and turns herself around. The boy's short-trimmed hair is adorned with a tropical flower. His blue shirt is half open. "Kat, Sabrina asked me to check on you." Of course, "Kat sighs with a smile." I'm okay, I just needed some air. "Chris smiles and rubs a hair behind her ear. He examines Kat's slim body. Slender with round full breasts. Almost irresistible. Maybe it's because he's a bit drunk? Whatever it is Chris can't ignore it and gives in to his lust. He pushes Katharina back gently and kisses her. "Chris" she protests and pushes him away. "What the hell? You're drunk, go away! "" Kat "he whispers and squeezes her body between his and the wall." Chris "she protests as his hands slide along her body." Chris stop "she protests and wants to push him away. Surprised she looks up when Chris flies backward. "Chris" her brother shouts out loud. Katharina looks at Tyler and smiles relieved. "What the hell man ?! You are my best friend! That ... that's not okay ?! This is my baby sister buddy! "" Tyler I'm sorry "protests Chris. But the muscular boy doesn't listen. Katharina looks at his deep eyes filled with hate." Tyler "she starts." Ty, it's okay "she protests as Tyler's hand forms a fist. "Ah Tyler man" Chris swears loudly and looks at the upset boy in front of him who hits his eye. "Tyler" calls Katharina out loud and grabs his black shirt. "Ty, it's okay. Nothing has happened. He is drunk. Nothing more. "Tyler looks at his sister. He sighs and rubs through his half-length hair." You're lucky she's that kind, "growls Tyler. Katharina looks up at the island. A flicker calls her attention. "Kat" asks Tyler again. Kat smiles and looks at Tyler. "My sweet baby sister" he whispers and wraps his arms around her. Chris walks back uncomfortably. He stops abruptly when a loud bang echoes. "Ah" shouts Tyler followed by Katharina. "Ty" asks Chris. "Kat" he shouts and looks at the duo falling to the ground. Tyler's right leg is punctured on both sides. Blood trickles down his dark jeans. A bloody bullet wound adorns Katharina's bare left leg .. A bullet wound ?! "Kat" shouts Chris and dives to the ground when the sound of a machine gun is loud. Bullets fly around his head as he crawls towards Tyler. "Tyler" he mutters and drags him back. "No, Chris. Her first! Take her out of here! Please!" Chris looks at Katharina and nods. "No Tyler, I will not leave you alone" protests Katharina. "Come on" orders Chris and lifts Katharina into his arms. "Tyler" she shouts. "I'll be back for him, I swear" Chris shouts and rushes down to the bottom deck. Screaming and crying people jump off the left and right of the boat. Hoping that they can escape the bullets. "Chris" calls Sabrina hopelessly. "Sabrina" roars Chris. He puts Katharina down on a soft sofa. "Stay here. I'll be right back with Tyler. Stay with her Sabrina" orders Chris. "Chris" whimpers Katharina. "Shh" soothes Sabrina and turns Katharina her head against her shoulder. Tears roll down Katharina's cheeks. The burning pain in her thigh makes her dizzy.

"Get off, get off" yells the captain loud and runs to the deck. "What" asks Sabrina panicking and jumps up. "Get off the ship, it's going to sink... or worse explode." "Tyler" whispers Katharina en tries to stand up. "Come on" Sabrina orders and places Katharina her arm around her neck. "I'll help you." "Sabrina, save yourself. I have to find Tyler." "No" Sabrina protests. "I trust my brother. Tyler will be fine. I promise. I need to help you. As promised. " "Sabrina" cries Katharina. "Sst, it will be okay" she soothes and opens the door. "Kat I need you to climb over the rail." "But Tyler.." "Chris takes care of him, I promise." Tears appear in Nikki her eyes. Katharina swallows and looks at the water. "Get off" yells a man and pushes Katharina off the rail. "Kat" she hears before a loud splash.

Katharina hurriedly lifts her head above the water and takes a deep breath. The salty water stings her nose. She turns herself around and looks at the ship. "Tyler !! Sabrina" she roars hopelessly. "Come on" shouts a man and grabs the dress on her shoulder. "No let go" Katharina roars in protest. "Swim, that thing takes you along" the man roars and drags Katharina into the water. "Dive" he roars and pushes Katharina under. In protest, Katharina tries to surface again. What the hell is happening she thinks. A muffled explosion resounds as a wave strikes Katharina backward. The ship appears underwater surrounded by wreckage and bodies. She comes back to the surface and looks at the burning and sinking wreckage. "Tyler" she shouts frightened. "Tyler !!!!" Tears roll from her eyes. It's hopeless. If Tyler was still on that boat ... she's definitely lost him now. Sobbing, she turns herself around and swims as best she can towards the beach where the survivors have gathered.

Coughing, she drags herself onto the warm sand. The stars dance before her eyes. Her head spins like a circus as she tries to organize her thoughts. A burning pain blazes through her leg causing her to grab her leg wailing. "Tyler" she whispers and turns herself. Only now does she see that the island is surrounded by not only survivors but also ... pirates. She crawls back frightened. Her back hits a boulder. She hides in haste behind the brown rock. A loud bang from a gun echoed in her ears. She closes her eyes frightened.

One voice peaks above the others. A warm voice. With the same accent as hers. "Communist! How dare you coming on my island!" Another gunshot sounds. She swallows and peaks behind the cliff. All the pirates are dressed the same. A red tank top, cargo pants and combat boots. Some have a red bandana before their lips and nose. Others have them over their heads. All of them are heavily armed. Katharina swallows. She has a feeling that this won't end well. One of the pirates is different tho. He has also a red tank top with cargo pants and combats boots but still.. He is different. A brown leather belt rests diagonally across his body. A green stone adorns a black string around his neck. He has a red bandana tied around his enormously muscular upper arm. His hair is shaped into a neat mohawk and a sharp scar runs over his head. "Vaas" calls one of the pirates and hands him a diving knife. Vaas smiles and takes the knife. "Wow" he scoffs and whistles between his teeth. "Wow" he calls out unnecessarily loud. "I don't think you bitches are going to make a lot of extra money" he scoffs. Suddenly she sees who is lying in the sand in front of him. Tyler !!

Frightened, she straightens her body and looks at Tyler. He is still alive! But Vaas is in front of him. With his weapon pointed at him. "Isn't it" he scoffs. "Isn't it bitch" he roars loudly and drags Tyler straight. Tyler growls and looks into Vaas's deep brown eyes. "Fuck you" Tyler whispers weakly. Vaas laughs dangerously. "Fuck me? Huh? Fuck me ... Oh don't worry. Somebody here will fuck me! If it isn't you. It is your girlfriend huh? What you think about that! He places the gun on Tyler his front head. "No Tyler" shouts Katharina all off a sudden. She didn't mean to shout. She just did. "Kat Run" Tyler exclaims. Katharina takes a deep breath and looks at the pirates who are staring at her. Vaas has a playful smile on his lips. "Wow so there is a girlfriend" he laughs. Kat swallows and turns around. "Tyler" she whines.

"What, you want to run? Huh?! You want to run, you want to disrespect me? Do you want to fuck with me? I mean, you come here, with your... with your pretty-boyfriend, right, and your pretty-boat, and you want to fuck with me! You want to fuck with me. I like that. No, I respect that! I'm gonna give you thirty seconds. And if the jungle doesn't eat you up alive, I will." Katharina her heart races like a maniac. Are you FUCKING DEAF?! I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE, YOU CHICCA!!! " Afraid Katharina turns around and runs into the jungle. The burning pain in her leg almost kills her but the sound of pirates behind her terrifies her more. It keeps her going.

She falls to the ground in a moan. Panicking, she crawls back up and runs further into the dark forest as quickly as possible. There must be somewhere. A place where she can hide. Where she can escape that fool! There is no other way. She looks around scared. "No" she roars and pushes the pirate away from her. "Here pussy" he laughs and grabs her tight. "Let go" she roars and stamps his crotch with her good leg. She rushes on again. The dim moonlight is its only direction giver. Why did she get on that stupid boat too! Why couldn't they just go to Hawaii or Florida! "No" she shouts once again and struggles with another pirate. "Come here" he orders and pulls her towards him. Protesting she tries to push him away. Because of this, they both fall on the ground. Her head bounced hard against a rock. Dizzy, she lifts her head and looks at the approaching shadow. She moans softly and drops her head. She hears "Chicca" just before everything goes dark.