Chapter 1 False Prophet

It was a day like any other, I had awoken from my slumber in my cell aboard the USS Apollo traveling through space but before I was imprisoned I was part of the chain of command of this vessel but then I was usurped by the other commanding officers, thrown in this cell to rot without being able to interact with other prisoners within the prison cell block, directly in front of me about several feet was an old dying preacher from Earth who would constantly try to spread the word about his constant visions of an island ravaged by battle, ravaged by greed and corruption "this island looked like it was as big as Asia!" he would say sometimes when a kid or two asked him to describe the island. What felt like a week but was three days passed I get a knock on my cell door "good news Hyde you are being released for a special mission" is all I heard from behind the door, no words left my lips because I knew this guard from when I got put in this cell that I called home for as long as I have, he unlocked the cell door and escorted me through the cell block "Requiem! Requiem!" the old preacher yelled over and over again until he looked at me with wide faded eyes and grabbed me by my jumpsuit top "listen, boy, before it's too late when you drop down to the surface of Requiem your gonna land in the abandoned city of St. Los, where I used to live back in my youth, whatever you do boy, don't you cease your voyage to the Federation City they will take care of you boy" he went on and placed a medal in my hand "good luck my boy, and bring peace to my home" I nodded and followed the guard to a locker room, the room where I changed into a military-based uniform and put on a bullet proof vest, black knit gloves, a skull-designed balaclava, and a knit hat "said to be cold this time of year" he said as pat my shoulder and gave me a Glock 19 pistol "let's get you going" he said as he escorted me to the hangar where I was brought to a pod and sat down "good luck down there Hyde" he said as he handed me a backpack with food rations and water and shut the pod door. After the pod door shut I heard two small beeps and a third big beep and turbulence hit then the downward force of my descent to the land below, after a couple of minutes of diving I directly impact an apartment building from the roof and get lodged into the roof, I open my pod door and rush out of it with my equipment and looked at the metropolis before me, it looked like Chornobyl back on Earth with so many destroyed buildings all evaluated presumably, I unholstered my Glock and pushed down the staircase going down to the top floor of the apartments and went down the hall where I found a door with a nameplate still on it "Jeremiah T." was what was on it and the key was still in the lock, the name looked familiar but I didn't think anything of it and opened the door, on the wall, I saw an old wooden crucifix and immediately knew who's old apartment I was in, I checked every room and then sat on the living room couch that faced an old, faded, and broken flat screen television that was bolted to the wall "For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his sacred tent and set me high upon a rock" was what the old man would say to me everytime I would visit his living quarters on the Apollo before we both got thrown in the cell block, was he predicting this moment to happen? That I don't know but what I do know is I need to look for supplies to better defend myself and make it to this federation, I look around and find a bookcase in front of what looks like a doorway, I push it away from the door and open it to find a McMillan M89 Suppressed Sniper Rifle with several magazines of 7.62x51mm rounds and a high-powered Pulsar Trail XP50 thermal scope, I grab everything and lock the front door of the apartment and begin to rest on the couch Glock in hand.