You've to wait a bit in this chapter for the dark dream, as good things take time.")

Beautiful morning with a melodious voice of birds and the bright light of the sun hits the face of the lifeless boy laying on a couch and living his imaginary wonderful life. He stood up, checked his phone incase he is going to have thousands of missed calls from Amilie, but unfortunately he was still in his imaginary life and there was zero call. Somehow convinced his own-self to get ready and attend the school. At that time Amilie called, he was excited and about to pick but the phone battery was dead, As we all know :


When he reached the school, she was waiting for him, he gave salutations to her and Amilie asked him "Do you want to pay a visit to the library as there is any Quiz Competition happening?". He replied, "If you want to see me not giving a damn to their questions so, surely I can pay a visit. In a very gentle tone she replied, "look Steve, you have to give it a try once and observe your weakness, try to focus on those and try harder until you're able to answer all of these as this quiz happens once in a week. He with zero interest says, "Sure, as I have no other option.

As they both were in a same team and going for the Quiz. The environment of the library was different this day, there was a buzzer on each desk and also a beautiful "GOLDEN TROPHY" (catching eyes of each individual there). Stevenson who had no interest went and sit there with his team. Amilie (Captain of the team) had to press the buzzer if any member in the team knows the answer. She told Stevenson, "If you know the answer, right or wrong just tell me I'll press the buzzer." He on the other hand who did not want to do such thing made a plan in his mind that as only the captain is allowed to press the buzzer, what if he does that as he was not the captain and make Amilie angry, in this way he will be out of the team and will be able to breathe.

Here the competition starts, and the time finally comes to press the buzzer, he (Stevenson) excitedly did that and everyone in the team stared at him fiercely. Now Amilie bucked him up and pushed him to answer and under pressure he answered the question and it turned out right. He for a minute, thought that he must be living in his imaginary life. As the competition came to an end, TEAM AMILIE won and everybody was cheering them up. Stevenson walked out of the library, Amilie stopped him and said, "Well Steve, I'm glad that you at least you used your brain even though to outsmart me but at least." then she left.

Stevenson liked her sentence and was leaving for home, he saw a beautiful kid there with her mother (Both playing happily) and there was a flashback in his mind at that moment when he used to be as happy as this kid back then, and continued leaving for the home. As he reached there, he was so sleepy that he fall asleep. Again, in the middle of the night he woke up and started crying again, this time he was scared enough, scared to death. He had no idea what to do so he just took a pen with the eyes full of tears and started writing.

He wrote:

"You in my dreams, always mother always. I want you to here with me, in front of me, always mother always. I'm hating that I'm gonna write that you've become my nightmare. You're here always but why as a nightmare? I want to sleep by recalling our beautiful golden moments rather than this dark dreams. I'm still in regret that I could not save you at that time. Again tonight I saw you and me playing happily and all of a sudden that monster with an evil smile came...", then Stevenson fall asleep.

"Morning", he heard, the voice that directly activated his mind faster than the Cocaine. His eyes opened, and there was a face of the man he hates the most. His father, passed a smile and asked, "Do you wanna sleep more my child?" Son replied, "Your cocaine face is enough to make me awake for straight two days, Thankyou." He continued, Well I don't remember any event so What's the reason of your presence, Monster? His father was bit angry but then calmed down and replied, "Dear, I'm here to take you to the therapist as I've come to know that you are always with red eyes in your school I'm guessing there is something wrong with your sleep, there is an appointment in the evening..." Stevenson interrupted and said, "I think I'm very sleepy today and will going to sleep peacefully in the evening after school and will give myself a therapy on my own, he further added now I'm getting late for school so I've to leave as I'm very much devoted to my studies (with a little smile on his face). Have a day as good as my sleep, father" then he left