It's been at least a little beyond a fortnight since Chris dreams of anything at all for he observes that reality stares at him in the face. What used to be a dream is turning out to be a natural and physical phenomenon before his pair of eyes. And those two weeks have been replete with amazing, mysterious happenings in his life and right in his small and humble abode in California.
Chris encounters a handful of strangely royal persons and nonetheless he will later be made to understand that those royal individuals have been his own grandfather the Great King Fianu-Gli Bla-Nku I, his brother King Dade Kluma Bla-Nku I, and two of their advisors called Hunor Ga and Torgbui Afatsawo. They appear to Chris oftentimes in his residency and will stay for at least three days teaching and preparing Chris towards royalty and of how to ascend the great throne of the Bla-Nku Dynasty of the Anlo-land and people.
Chris comes to comprehend and know that their appearing and disappearing all of a sudden mean no harm to him as he knows them quite well enough. Previously, he wonders about those mysterious occurrences and how his grandfather the Great King Fianu-Gli Bla-Nku I, his brother the deceased King of the Bla-Nku Kingdom from whom he takes up the throne as he goes to be with the ancestors and other two important persons who are their advisors.
Furthermore, Chris observes himself as possessing the imbedded powers of calling forth things into existence after his grandfather, his grandfather's brother and other two royal persons have appeared to him. Chris is given seven pieces of gemstone pebbles to swallow and when after having swallowed them he's being told that such gemstone pebbles will give him some powers to call forth things into being and to heal and cause anything at all that he so desires to be built or destroyed and the powers to bless and curse anyone respectively.
Chris later becomes extremely grateful and excited about such powers as they make him different from so many people around him. He then sees himself as no ordinary or natural being nonetheless, as one who possesses supernatural powers. Whenever Chris' important ancestors appeared and vanished at will and after having spent some three days with him in his house, they often will appear to him just to communicate and teach him on various veiled things that should be known by only the kings who come to rule the Bla-Nku Kingdom and Dynasty. Such apocalyptic things aren't being made known to even the trusted advisors of the dynasty as it takes the Gods of their land and the ancient ancestors of their people to reveal to those who are chosen as the Kings of the Dynasty and Kingdom.
They reveal to Chris where all those precious and most expensive gemstones that are sought after by the world are hidden in the Anlo-land as well as in any of the areas of the world where their people live. Where the Kashmir sapphire is hidden has been revealed to him and the diamonds, the Alexandrite gemstone, the Tanzanite and many more have been kept in secret places of the earth all over the world. All of such gemstones have been revealed to him adequately.
More over, Chris is being told by them countless times that he was given some powers to operate with by which he will have the enablement to reveal the whereabouts of all the most expensive gemstones without the trace of them. He's being told that all those precious and expensive gemstones are the mysterious pebble stones of the Gods of the Anlo-land and people. Hence, irrespective of how a person sees that a gemstone is discovered in a particular place the next moment it's quite impossible to trace it again. It takes only the King who's the custodian of the Anlo-lands and the spiritual guardian of all the gemstones to reveal the whereabouts of any gemstones.
Now Chris is made to know that he's got such powers during his coronation as King Fianu-Gli Bla-Nku III, the only custodian of the Anlo-lands and the sole guardian of all the most precious and expensive gemstones which have been hidden in various secret places of the world, where the Anlo people live. He's been also told about how powerful the people of his nativity are originally and how each Anlo native or indigenous person has in him the ability to call forth things into existence and the powers to appear and vanish at will.
Chris is being intimated on how he needs no flight to travel to anywhere whatsoever or to precisely make his trip to Africa. He's being taught the words of enchantments to declare in order to appear anywhere of his choice and to vanish at will. Now Chris is fully abreast with mysteries, miracles and enchantments altogether---and he's been commanded to exercise the powers imbedded in him by the Gods and Goddesses of the Great Bla-Nku Kingdom.
Furthermore, Chris is familiar with appearing and disappearing each time, and he does this often to realize that it works after all for him. His ability to call forth various currencies of countries, the powers to call forth numerous meals and cuisines, the enablement to cause things to be done at his command and many more nonetheless to mention only a few. Now he welcomes any of his ancestors anytime he so desires like a friend visits another at will and is welcomed.
Chris' father comes to visit him one day and stays for three days. He gets the privilege of meeting his mother as she's not a native of the Anlo-land she doesn't have the powers to appear and disappear like his grandfather, his father and others of the nativity of the Anlo-land do often times. He realizes that it lies in his powers to rather go into the other world to visit his mother instead of his mother coming to pay him a visit. Now it's no longer strange to see meals being called forth into the large table in his dining hall each time he receives royal visitors from the other world as it's normal currently to him to host such guests in his residence.
Chris observes that apart from calling forth things into being, he notices that sleep entirely leaves him for a far distant land. He doesn't sleep any longer and it doesn't look like there's either day or night in the United States of America especially in his own room and neighbours haven't been able to observe anything yet. Oftentimes when neighbours complained about being out of sorts, Chris simply says, "Be every whit whole for you're healed" and there will be absolute healing immediately.
From the start Chris finds it quite hilarious and ridiculous simultaneously however, he's been used to such mysterious occurrences around him by now---and many have wondered why and how he could heal and declare things to be changed suddenly for the betterment of the environment. For by now many have seen Chris as quite bizzare and strange while others are enthused by his powers.
He's also come to realize that it's no longer expedient to cook meals as he's got the powers now to call forth the cuisines of different people for his neighbours without their realizing it. Again he observes that his house takes a new and beautiful form and neighbours wonder enough nevertheless they're scared of asking and finding out about all of such miraculous feats owing to his supernatural powers.
Now Chris is being commanded to prepare himself fully to take a trip to Africa in seven traditional days in Africa owing to the traditional and customary purposes of the people of his nativity and of their great rituals. The boarding of flight isn't relevant to him as he's got the powers to vanish and appear at the outskirts of the Anlo-land where his servants will be awaiting his arrival to take him to the Great Palace of his Kingdom.
Chris makes plans to visit Niella as he's been told that as his chosen bride and wife, he has the full powers to vanish with her by giving her a certain potent concoction to drink. Chris appears to Niella and she gets extremely scared about it as she's not seen such an amazing occurrence before in her life.
He informs Niella to get ready to take this trip with him for by now Niella has observed that She and Chris don't require passports nor visas nor flights in any airlines to travel to Africa, for all Chris could do with her is to vanish into the thin with her. The day draws nigh and the two get ready for their journey to Africa. They're to embark on this trip by midnight hour at exactly 12:00 a.m in correspondence with the traditional African Time Zone.
Now the day's fully imminent and Chris wears a strange yet, a well decorated royal apparel and brings a beautiful gown for a Princess to give to Niella that midnight. It's almost 12:00 a.m and the two are already set for this august journey. A couple of strange beings appear and Niella gets scared anyhow, however Chris reveals the identity of such a strange beings to Niella and she feels all right about them and everything. These two strange beings are the dwarf-looking and giant-looking beings whom Chris had met on the pathway while in the Dreamland to be crowned as King Fianu-Gli Bla-Nku III.
He tells Niella that such amazing yet bizarre individuals are their personal escort guards who have been sent from the Great Palace of the Bla-Nku Kingdom to fetch them. Already, Chris has told Niella about his coronation and of how it had taken place at the same midnight hour in the Dreamland. Immediately, it's 12:00 a.m Chris declares some incantations and makes a handful of enchantments making all of them to disappear to the Anlo-land in Africa. Upon arrival on the Anlo-land and Kingdom, they see streets of gold, diamonds and other gemstones not quite different from what Chris had seen already a few weeks earlier in the Dreamland during his coronation.
They're being welcomed with royal pomp and pageantry amidst so many celebrations and ceremonies as their long awaited King comes home finally. Already they're aware of him and almost all of the endemic people have seen their chosen King in the Dreamland. Niella meets with royal maidens who spread wrappers and beautiful clothes on the streets of gold and diamonds and gemstones for her to walk upon as their new Princess and the Bla-Nku Queen Mother.
Niella feels special and doesn't really know why they have regarded her like that for she observes that they refer to her as "Her Highness" or "Her Majesty" in their strange language and so on and so forth which she has come to miraculously speak fluently. She receives royal appellative names as a Princess and Queen Mother. All too soon, they get nigh to the entrance of the magnificent palace and Chris their King is led to enter his Great Palace and to his throne to sit comfortably in order to preside over issues as their newly chosen King. They celebrate and hail their new King by saying, "All hail the Great King Fianu-Gli Bla-Nku III of the Bla-Nku Kingdom and Dynasty and of the Anlo-land and people respectively---and may our Great King live long forever" in their strange dialect and afterwards Chris the new King commands the royal maidens to bring unto the new Princess Niella Bla-Nku her diadem to wear.
It's here that she's being hailed further and awarded the most valuable title of the Bla-Nku Kingdom as being "The Glorious Princess of Submission" and they all lived happily ever afterwards. This is how Chris becomes the Great King Fianu-Gli Bla-Nku III of the Bla-Nku Kingdom and Dynasty and of the Anlo-land and people and Chris Blanks reigns for many years on end on account of being an immortalized king and a highly obeyed immortal.
And the Great King Fianu-Gli Bla-Nku III commands his people everywhere in the world to visit their homeland once annually as an establishment of a pilgrimage for all and sundry by his commands.
This was how a young man's dreams become a reality for he never ever knew except by his dreams that he had hailed from the ancestry of royalty in Africa. This was how the Great King Fianu-Gli Bla-Nku III (Chris Blanks) ruled his own people as the wisest and wealthiest King of all Kings and was highly regarded as the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings by everyone in the world forever.
The End!