Hybrid Auction

The Underground Stronghold

Underground tunnels were the first strongholds to be founded, thanks to the authorities who evacuated the uninfected there. The underlying reason why they had no choice but to use the underground as strongholds were because of the overpopulation in the other strongholds. Evacuation shelters were immediately filled up, and the people left behind didn't have that much of a choice but to proceed to the underground. Thus the Underground Stronghold was born, and the people therein lived happily ever after, clear of the dangers that lurked above ground.

Or not.

As mentioned before, the world has fallen apart due to the massive outbreak of the unknown virus. Things such as laws and government weren't put in place anymore since there was no one to uphold them. As such, those with the power and the authority took it upon themselves to act as leaders. Factions and alliances were made, and they did all they can to tie everyone together in a desperate attempt to hold on to the remnants of any form of government.

Then the hybrids came. And then the experiments came soon after. It didn't take long before the basic information about the hybrids was made public. Now that the people were equipped with the right knowledge, they didn't fear the hybrids that much compared to before.

Hybrid Trading then became commonplace, and a new profession rose up amongst the uninfected. Hybrid Hunting.

A few days after the outbreak broke out, it was discovered that the infected who had never tasted human flesh or blood would retain their consciousness. And if they could suppress their urge to taste human flesh or blood, then they'd turn into a hybrid. The virus had various effects on the human body, and its effects would change drastically if only one factor was changed. That's why people didn't risk being bitten by the infected and instead, hunted down people who were just recently bitten so they could acquire them as their allies— or as a product that they could sell during a hybrid auction.

And such an auction was about to happen right now. As it turned out, Kazuichi was one of the products that were expected to turn into a hybrid and sold to the highest bidder. The two men who basically kidnapped Kazuichi were Hybrid Hunters, and they decided to join the action with the hopes of earning good money.

One of the men who was behind the wheel was whistling a relaxing tune as he drove the car past the entrance of the Underground Stronghold. The place where the auction will be held is right by the other side of the Stronghold— the reason being, one of the hybrids might escape, and if that were to happen, those who'd be in the vicinity would most likely get bitten. The Hybrid Auction has its pros and cons, but the pros far outweigh the cons since an additional hybrid to a group would tip the balance of power towards that said group. Besides, those who are attending the Hybrid Auction have Hybrids as bodyguards so they don't have to worry about getting bitten. A hybrid, if bitten, wouldn't be infected again, but there's a small possibility that the virus would take over their minds completely if that were to happen.

After going past the entrance, the two men then stopped in front of a metallic gate that separated the Hybrid Auction place from the Underground Stronghold. A pair of guards were stationed there. With skeptical gazes, they gestured at the two men that they show their identification cards and they did so without hesitation.

One of the guards then walked around to check the back of the car, only to find that there were four hybrids there, all tied up, gagged, and wrapped in thick bodybags. They squirm and grunted, but there was no way they'd be able to escape.

"Four hybrids, that's a pretty good haul you got there." One of the guards commented before signaling for the men to head inside. The other guard pressed a button by the wall, and the metallic door that separated the Hybrid Auction place from the Undeground Stronghold slid upward to open.

The Hybrid Auction was a place unlike any other. from the exterior of the place, one would think that it's a literal underground market with its damp and musty interior while all the individuals inside wear hoods and would rather not get identified. Even the two men who were bringing Kazuichi and the other hybrids inside thought that it would be a pretty dark and lackluster place. It didn't even occur in their minds that an auction is a place where rich people gathered.

As soon as they entered in, however, their eyes were opened. The place was brighter than they had imagined. It was a pretty spacious place underground, with half of it being a parking lot and the second half of it where the people at the auction gathered. There were two floors by the auction place, with the second floor overlooking the first floor where all the 'prized items' will be displayed. A red carpet was rolled out from the parking lot towards the center of the auction. Wine and bite-sized snacks were served by waiters dressed in tuxedoes, and the bidders who were already present were casually talking to each other, laughing as if the global outbreak didn't happen at all. Compared to the situation above ground, the atmosphere by the auction was like heaven on earth.

The two men marveled at the sight of the bodyguards that stood beside their bidders. They knew that there was a great possibility these bodyguards are hybrids, They made a mental note not to bump into any of them when they walked inside.

"Hybrid Hunters, I presume?" The auctioneer approached the two hybrid hunters as he extended his hand. He then sniffed once, immediately getting a whiff of three hybrid humans on the back of the jeep. "And there are three hybrids on the backseat, correct?"

"Three?! No, you must be mistaken sir, there should be four hybrids at the back." One of the men let out a chuckle.

"My nose... they don't lie." The auctioneer smirked as his eyes turned a deep blood-red color.