The Downfall Of A Stronghold

The North Yamanashi Stronghold was founded a week or so after the outbreak. Since then, it never experienced an attack, and it has grown stronger by the day. Even now, no one dared cross the North Yamanashi Stronghold due to how formidable it was.

However, right now they were at their most vulnerable. Not only did the number of Hybrids present were reduced, but their stronghold leader was nowhere to be found as well.

If anyone wanted to take over the North Yamanashi Stronghold, now was the most opportune moment to do so. And somehow, that's exactly what happened.

The first sign of the invasion was seen by the patrol as they were unknowingly attacked by a group of Hybrids that instantly eliminated them from this lifetime. One of them escaped, but the Hybrids were quick enough to catch up to him and deliver a swift death before he could warn the others.